Just checking in guys....is the contest going well

The contest per se is doing alright dante, but a certain poster going by the name of peter orchard has made it a regular habit of interfering with his personal agenda against my posting persona in the contest thread, making derogatory statements directed towards my posting persona, and, what is more important, racist comments against Greece, greek citizens and the balkan region as a whole.

This for me is unacceptable. The moderator of the contest Duck Stabber, has specifically asked me to refrain from posting comments to and fro with orchard, but he has not done the same with respect to him. As is obvious a kind of afinity with orchard is getting in the way of stabber performing his task properly, and henceforth we have the racist comments, and the derogatory statements. There's a rubber room for that, where "the inmates run the asylum", and i ve asked this asylum member orchard to continue his act over there, to no avail.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Funny how some people cannot take an honest look at themselves. How you noticed how many people have seen your posts to be out of line? It's a lot more than the people annoyed with Peter (read ONE).
yeah, well, man, it's also funny how some people reply to the voices in their head and what they have in mind at the moment, rather than at the subject matter, missing the point completely.

I am talking about the contest thread specifically, and you come here to reply your set answer about something completely different. That's alright, that requires a minimum of average intelligence.

Why dont you and "Peter" go to the <rubber room> and make another failed attempt to get on my nerves over there, remember spurs4ever, the inmates run the asylum over there, so tell your cyber buddy to keep his racist sociopath shit contained in the rubber room.

and keep paying them books btw so they can pay me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Oh I'm sorry, but the f*** does it matter the initial message was about the contest threads! MY point was that you make idiotic comments in many threads that's annoying a number of people. And accuse me but I seem to remember u bitching about someone (besides me) wanting to join the contest thread.

You're funny though. You actually challenge my iq in the same message as writing that I should keep feeding the bookies. You can judge iq on many things and levels, but a good indicator in a forum like this, is the number of comments that have no reason whatsoever behind it. You've done this on before on something I won't bring up again, and now you know that I'm feeding bookies based on what???? I suggest you compare our records in the contest for the three months I've been in it! And yeah you've said before that a contest featuring the big leagues doesn't show anything, and speciality is Greek. My prefered league is the Danish one, so how do you explaing the difference in our record. It goes to show something about general ability to cap soccer.

I've said it before, either you're a 12-year-old playing with daddy's laptop or you've got the mentally at that stage.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Oh I'm sorry, but the f*** does it matter the initial message was about the contest threads! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No i guess it dont "f*cking" matter to you, a moderator comes in here starting a thread with a certain subject, and you go replying to whatever you want to. Tactless.

That's exactly what i mean, take them pills and post your garbage in the rubber room.

ah, yeah, and keep begging for that $100 in the contest forum, man, right now i could send you nickel just for you not posting your shit in here for the next couple of days...


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I didn't reply to "whatever". And my wasn't to the moderator, but to you because you were crying like a girl about Peter giving you a hard time. I replied TO YOU that you are by far worse at pestering threads - including the contest thread - than Peter. Should I run it by you again, or do you grasp the concept now?

I figure you've checked our records since you didn't reply to that. Instead you make ANOTHER totally groundless accussation. Apparently you are bent on showing your lack of iq, as I explained these accusations just goes to show you're acting like a frustrated teenager. Again, I'll have to ask you where you get this accusation from??? And AGAIN ask you to check something since you apparently cannot read (maybe your dad can help?). Check the thread announcing Maria as the winner, and you'll see me telling her to keep the money herself, because she's proved herself a good capper! Where did I beg???? PLEASE tell me!! It's amusing that you cannot see that you're showing your own stupidity over and over.

A nickel, really? It surprises me that you can afford that given the record you're showing in the contest........
what the fvck are you talking about man, do you think i give a flying fvck,it's just that i ve been here since this forum was launched and i hate to see the level of capping and analysis drop to sub par, in MOST posters, not all, but most. there's this sociopath orchard who posts losing pick after losing pick and possibly considers this forum as the outlet of whatever crap comes to mind, there's stabber who's at least half decent but a brutal loser, not much discussion on the actualities of teams, strategies and form... and fvckwits like yourself who think i give a toss about $100 monthly contests, or that i take such things seriously, do you really think i d bet my bankroll on games played a few hundred miles away from home? I am making a very good supplementary income from my gambling in the league in my home country and occasionaly move in where i find profit elsewhere, now all the rest of the crap you mention just leave me stone cold, but like i told you before, go to the rubber room and talk shit all day and all night long, dont through your juvenille garbage in this forum. if i wanted to spend most of my day capping europian leagues i d obviously be kicking your butt in the contest, but unlike you i have a life and i am not planning to do that, i bet real money, and sums you d probably make all year long, i read the local papers, follow the radio programs, go to the games and ACTUALLY watch them, i got player and coach friends, do you really think i fvcking care if orchard or any other sociopath for that matter say they like Shrewsberry or fvcking Gilingham or whatever, what a nitwit you are man...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Okay, let's sum up: You know that I have multible nicks here, that I feed the bookies, that I begged for 100dollars and now you know that I have no life and how much I make a year! Can you do that with other people cause I'd really like to know about that Michael Jackson fella!

Fair enough that you read local paper, go to games and whatever, but what is it with you? I'm fast getting the impression that you don't actually read the messages you reply to! Did I not just tell you that, just like you, my main betting object is my local league! But because I'm by chance doing better than you in the contest it's because I spend eternities more than u analysing the continental games. It must be nice to be able really tell yourself anything and believe it! But let's have a crack at it then and see if you're all talk. When the Danish league resumes in two weeks time, let's have a nice friendly one-on-one. Rules can be decided when you hopefully agree, but of the top of my head, something like ten units max to be placed a week any way we like? Of course in Greece for you and Denmark for me. R u game? The glove is of and dropping fast........

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It seems like JDee has
run out of his "PRESCRIPTION" of Prozac.
Double down on that dosage big guy.
Everything will be just fine.

general, all's well buddy, thanks for asking!

spurs, i d prefer it if we shared picks in these leagues and made some extra cash out of that one, than going on some ego tripping competition, but if i recall correctly i have not seen you post anything on the danish league in these forums. In any case this is using up too much time and space and i d prefer it if you just continued your act against me in the rubber room.

orchard, souza, you guys are always quick on the gun when it comes busting my balls, and you know what, the rubber room is open for you orchard for your racism, biggotry, and your losing picks even, souzalooza you too can continue your ad lib over there as well.

Some of you here just need to take it easy in here lads, alright?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Very good, Jack; play the woman scorned when Mr Moderator comes a-calling.
Wouldn't look good on your CV to get your sorry arse kicked out of TWO forums in the same weekend, would it bambino?

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> spurs, i d prefer it if we shared picks in these leagues and made some extra cash out of that one, than going on some ego tripping competition,

Nice (and accurate) sentiment. But why now after displaying behaviour designed to do anything but?


open wide...
GUYS..come on...lets get past this already....win some $$ I follow some of the soccer picks back here when I play at Oly...all of you are great...lets work together ..or try at least

good luck

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Okay now you want to share picks??? Somehow that doesn't make sense since you just yesterday busted my balls saying that I feed the bookies. So you want to feed the bookies using my picks? Or have your stupid comments and groundless accusations just cought up with you?

You accused me of having multible nicks (on more than one occasion) and having no life. I cannot prove neither to be untrue, but your assumption that I feed bookies, I can disprove but once again you're hiding like a girl! All talk. And it isn't about an ego trip. It's about you over and over and over making false accusations in this forum based on nothing, and wanting to shut you up!

No you haven't seen any picks from Denmark because the Danish league had gone on a winter break when I started using the soccer forum in late november. I've more than proved the capability of capping at a different site where I'm a tipster along with a mate.
orchard, just shvt the fvck up man and start a thread in the rubber room room to fvck with me, if you like doing that so much, and take them godamn pills and get out of the institution once in a while.

spurs, just take it easy man, i had a feeling you were duckstabber and said it like i thought it was, if want to keep this back and fro-ing with me, together with souza and orchard, fine but please do it the rubber room.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Look at the chaos that results
when you ask the simple question ....

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>How are you guys doing in here ? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

you guy can continue this in the RR....I had no idea there was so much hate between you fine cappers in here....

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